Turn your leadership culture into a competitive advantage.

Culture is stronger than change. Good leadership in transformation processes is more important today than ever before. With our products, we support deciders and teams to act successfully in challenging times and make change an enriching constant of your collaboration and leadership.

  • The formula for success: Value creation through appreciation

Our ILD Purpose: Passion for People.

4Cs of Leadership®.

Four key collaborative competencies are at the core of the ILD Leadership Model. By implementing the 4Cs – of Conflict, Communication, Change and Coaching as a Style – you develop skills based on the latest neurological findings that radiate positively to the entire team. With our exclusive 4Cs of Leadership® concept, responsibility becomes tangible and effective leadership becomes a natural part of corporate culture.

This is how we can help.

The ILD solution offering comprises four central areas: In Profiling and Evaluation Audits you find out how you affect others, where your potentials are and how the team can benefit. In Coaching you learn how to uncover your ideas and potentials. Consulting helps substantially in all change processes. In our area of Qualification we use neurological, role and team related concepts to develop decision makers and to qualify coaches.

Decision makers and teams benefit.

ILD facilitates transformation in the areas of Business Development, Organizational Development, People Development and Cultural Development. We help leaders and teams align their attitudes, manage their emotions, and develop and adaptively apply essential key competencies in collaboration and leadership – each in the context of the individual business strategy.

This is where improvement begins.

It all starts with an open, focused initial meeting: You tell us about the construction sites in your company or institution – we give you a well-founded assessment. The more thoroughly we delve into the matter together, the better the solutions can be designed. The end result is a clear program for your very specific situation.

Curi­ous now?

If you would like to learn more about our offer or have a spe­cif­ic in­quiry, please send us a mes­sage.

Your direct contact:

Frank Strathus